Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Group Presentation: Digital Music


      I learned that new media frequently merges with old media. The social media site, Myspace had the ability to share music that a person liked and now a person can share on different platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. New media also interacts with the old media in ways such as there are no longer only computers but there are also now smart phones, tablets and more that are all various sources of sharing digital music.
        The smart phones created apps that developed a chance for people to create their own music.
         In addition, record labels are releasing songs not only in the digital format but also for consumers to buy on Vinyl for a more vintage music listening experience.
        I did not know that the rise of vinyl records shows that even though technology is changing, older concepts of media are still being used and relevant in today’s culture. Before watching this presentation I thought vintage records were irrelevant due to all the new technology we now have. 

            However the consumer impact is tremendous after the "Myspace days", music is now no longer one way, music can be produced, listened to, and shared with others. It includes an interactive audience due to the fact they can share the music with others. 

        Lastly, it allows for discussion and a more interactive community. Although, digital music has a positive impact, there are also negatives, such as the downloading of illegal music. This causes the artists to not make a profit off of their material. Overall digital music allows for the music industry to have these key components; new format/additional content, timing, availability, and sharing. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Podcasting Project


Sunday, April 12, 2015


1. Podcasting fits into business because it can provide product advertisement for the companies as well as a way for companies to get their products out in various and innovative ways. The companies can incorporate commercials in the podcasting. Podcasting fits into non-profits because it promotes interactivity and it is easier to follow by listening than reading a text. Lastly, podcasting fits into academic contexts because it is very interactivity with students. Students can now listen to the educational lessons with audio instead of sitting in a classroom setting.
2. The speaker says podcasting extends messages because it is able to send through; audio, video, and the internet. The podcasting message can be very straight to the point and simple.
3.Podcasting is different because it encourages action. It provides the listener with information and expects the listener to take action based off what information the listener was given. Also, the information found in podcasts come from a range of sources. This can be seen through participation culture.
4. The three critical concepts for developing a successful media in concerns to email, blogging, and online advertisement are: whether or not one's listeners are paying attention to the information (this represents entertainment), the tools that one provide to the user to access the information (this represents educational), and lastly, whether or not the listeners can interact with the information (this represents ease). Podcasting has these three elements because when put together, one can create a successful podcast. First, and foremost, keeping the attention of one's listener is vital, otherwise you're talking to yourself. Second, the tools that you provide to the user to access the information is also critical. You can't just talk about it: you have to allow your listener the opportunity to find it themselves and look into it as well. Finally, whether or not the listeners can interact with the information is also essential.
5.Podcasting is available on so many different mediums: whether it be a mobile phone, YouTube, the Internet, or anything else. A podcast can viewed in various form whether it is a .mp4, .wmv, .mp3, .wav, and multiple other files. It's so accessible from anywhere you go and the compounding media is referring to how all of these different mediums become one medium ultimately and that is the podcast. Lastly, it's available in so many different forms and accessible from so many different outlets and that is what the concept of digital media convergence is all about.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Media Changing The Journalism World For Eternity?

Does new media equal new journalism? This constant asked question has been  revolving for the last decade. There is no doubt that the way people consume their news has changed. The industry of journalism has been changed by an explosion of technology that has tremendously changed how news is gathered, distributed, reported, and shared. 

On a survey that was taken for the year 2014, it reported that over 50% of Twitter users stated they received their news on popular social media sites as compared to only 33% in 2012. If you add that with more than 8,000 tweets being tweeted around the 
globe every second there is no doubt that Twitter play a major role in news consumption. 

Like Lyse Doucet, BBC Chief International Correspondent, says "There is no question, if you are not on Facebook and Twitter, you are not getting the full story." (https://lubpak.com/archives/248399)

However, the change in news consumption is mutual. Social media networks such as Twitter, has reformed the newsroom, in addition to, speeding up a present complicated news forming  process. Prior to Twitter, news took a longer time to travel to the average person. Now news is easier to come across, such as by reading a simple tweet. Although, it is a faster medium for transporting the news, the professional journalist must constantly be on lookout that the reader doesn't miss important information.

 Though social media sites provide real time information, public opinions, and reactions during news breaking stories. Certain studies show that journalists use sites like Twitter for up to 80% of their news-gathering skills. However, Journalists must still be careful to decipher between fiction and fact. Due to the fact that misinformation can spread across the internet like wildfire. 

Thanks to new social media, the average person contributes to the news reporting process. Because of this the public relies on the journalist to verify the news information reported. The journalist job has now transitioned from gathering the news to the explanation process. 

With the easy accessibility to new social media, it allows for a particular group or a community as a whole to rally around an idea or cause, which can eventually lead to social activism. The recent example being #BlackLivesMatter campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and various other media networks.

The public outrage to the incidents that took place in Ferguson, New York, Florida and other parts of the United States fostered a global social media support campaign. Lastly, Hashtag activism stresses the concept of filtering what information we as people consume daily. As NY Times David Carr puts it "The media is not the message, the messages are the media. " (http://thenextweb.com/media/2012/02/15/two-worlds-collide-twitter-the-butterfly-effect-and-the-future-of-journalism/)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Transmedia Storytellying

1. Transmedia storytelling is important to digital convergence communication because it represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience.
2.Media business can be more beneficial than transmedia storytelling because modern media businesses hold interests that are a range of interests across of what were once distinct media industries. A media conglomerate has an incentive to spread their brand or to expand their franchises across various media platforms a possible.
3. Transmedia storytelling can be beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming production because majority of the time storytelling doesn't focus on one character or story plot but rather complex fictional worlds. This process of world-building encourages an encyclopedic impulse in both readers and writers.
4.  Transmedia storytelling can be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production by requiring a high degree of coordination across various media sectors. It can be seen in independent projects where the same artist shapes the story across all of the media involved or in projects where there is strong collaboration. It encourages co-creation throughout the different divisions of the same company.
5. Transmedia storytelling encourages the interactivity of audience by introducing possible plots which cannot be fully explained. Therefore, the readers have a strong incentive to continue and elaborate on these untold story elements.

Monday, March 23, 2015


It's the Audience, Stupid! 
1.The new approach to storytelling is the comparsion from one country's citizens to another country's citizens such as the unemployment, illiteracy, and global issues.
2. Digital media is being used to engage audiences by having programming on the UK's largest network and allowing people from home to debate on the issues at hand by being able to call in no matter what country they're located in.
3. One can incorporate storytelling into an article by writing an article piece on a topic individuals can relate to.
Another way is to write a comparative piece that individuals from overseas can compare to.
A last way is to paraphrase instead of writing a too wordy piece.

All the Aggregation That's Fit to Aggregate  
1.Aggregation means smart people sharing their reading list, plugging one another into the bounty of the information universe.
2. The author describes Arianna Huffington as the "queen of aggregation" because she discovered that by taking different forms of information from unpaid bloggers and putting altogether on her website, millions of people became attracted to her webpage.
3.Aggregation is a threat to professional journalism because if one website (ie. Huffington Post) can simply take information from different outlets, it will stop sales from traditional newspapers. It will discredit professional journalists for their works.

PhotoJournalism in the Age of New Media \
1. The positives are it being available through social networks.
2. The professional journalist need to be careful because of the verification, the proper context and the attributions
3. It may not show the real picture and content of what is truly going on in the picture.
4. The citizen photojournalist impacts the professional photojournalist by taking their jobs, many new companies are happy with random shots and they don't have to be professional.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is also known as the semantic web. It focuses on making computers think more like humans. It allows for the computer to know the content the user puts on the website. It allows all the data /content the user puts into the website to apply the meaning to information from various websites. It is known as the "web of meaning".

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

United States Bombing of ISIS in Iraq

Summary:In August 2014, the United States jet fighters and drones bombed Sunni Islamic extremists in Northern Iraq targeting what was described as ISIS warfare units. These airstrikes advanced the United States' involvement in Iraq where ISIS is seizing control of areas and key buildings that have caused over thousands of citizens to leave their homes and run for their lives. ISIS currently has possession of Mosul Dam along with 10,000 Iraq minorities known as the Yazidis who were trapped on a mountain and were executed. Previously, there has been a conflict of whether ISIS or the Kurdish Forces controlled the dam the Tigris River. (note:United States' officials stated that a failure of the dam would be traumatic, resulting in flooding all the way to Baghdad. ) President Obama authorized "targeted airstrikes" stating that the United States has an obligation to protect its hundreds of military personnel located in Iraq and to prevent what can turn into a genocide of minorities by the group ISIS.
 The Federal Aviation Administration issued a notice prohibiting United States from flying in Iraqi airspace due to the armed conflict. However, United States warplanes that were patrolling Northern Iraq have the "go" to attack any interpreted ISIS threats to the Kurdish capital or minority populations. Kurdish leaders pleaded with the United States to support their forces against ISIS from the air. President Obama has agreed to support the United States' allies. Prior to President Obama's announcement of the airstrike, the United States' military cargo planes dropped 5,300 gallons of water and 8,000 meals to the Yazidi's people. ISIS has executed individuals who don't share and won't convert to their interpretations of Sunni Islam.

  The group posted videos on the Internet for the world to see the beheadings. The Obama administrations sent funneling weapons to Iraqi forces. However in July 2014, ISIS posted on twitter saying "We haven't given orders to kill the Israelis and and the Jews. The war against the nearer enemy, those who rebel against the faith, is more important. Allah commands us in the Koran to fight the hypocrites, because they are much more dangerous than those who are fundamentally heretics".

Interpretation of Implications: It is clear to understand that the war with ISIS and the United States' involvement has caused an uproar with ISIS and has led up to more executions of not only the Yazidis but Christians,Turkmens and Shabaks. In addition, to seizing more areas in Iraq and Syria. As ISIS continues on their mission, there is a question to be raised of will anyone be able to stop ISIS? Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Can Blogs Revolutionize Progressive Politics?

1. Democratic leaders embrace blogging as a potential political communication because blogs are faster, cheaper, and more interactive for voters to become involved than compared to the traditional media landscapes in media such as the television, radio, etc. 2.The participatory culture in blogging expands digital media convergence by allowing people to email, use discussion boards, internet donations, live e-chats, online voting, etc. Blogging allowed all different forms of media to be converged into one outlet for voters and for the candidates. 3. Blogging can counter this weakness by turning net roots into grassroots by using the Internet to coordinate political events into on-ground- events by notifying bloggers of these events by sending out invitations. From there the internet users will then convey the message to those that don't read blogs. 4.Blogs can become the new barrier for freedom, democracy,egalitarianism, and participation in the new media communication because it is shown that more women use blogging then men. If there are more women blogging than men, they will eventually have a greater outreach to audiences on political views. The new media communication with being allowed to donate and vote online, many will not use their rights to vote due to the fact there are going to be a lot of voters online.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Digital McLuhan

1. The differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the alphabetical visual world is pre-literature is a world of no boundaries where information emerges from not particular sets of locations but can come from everywhere. The pre-literate acoustic world consists of music, myth, and total immersion. The alphabetical visual world comes in a form of mostly television, and lacks perspective or the distance from its subjects. It consist of visual and hearing. 2. The alphabet has the segregating tendencies because the texts were only able to be read by one person at a time and were only be able to be copied by someone copying them down page by page. This caused for the texts to be limited. However, the printing press reversed the segregating tendencies by this machine being able to copy more than one copy of texts at a time. It also allowed for more than one person to be able to read the alphabetic texts at once. It allowed for high-circulation of newspapers and books. 3. The alphabetic communication in online communication make cyberspace acoustic due to the fact of the easy instant interactivity communication being synchronize from anywhere in the world. However, the online acoustic world is different from television, radio, or print acoustic world because one does not have to be sitting still to receive much of the media form's communication (e.g. listen to the radio while going to the kitchen for food, in television- doze off in front of the television program). 4. The two selections criteria are humans want media to extend our communications beyond biological boundaries such as the naked eye seeing and hearing. Also, humans want home of natural communication even we as humans exceed it in our extensions. In the next 20 years, the secured alphabet's place will be the conductor of the acoustic cyberspace.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1.Convergence happens in the communication and media fields because of consumer's participation. The two conditions were between "passive old media" and "interactive new media". 2.The three concepts are media convergence, participatory culture, and collective intelligence. 3.Other impacts divergence has is active participation. (wikipedia) 4.New media does displace old media, however, old media and new media will interact in even more different ways. 5. Both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption by media companies learning how to rapidly increase the flow of media content across delivery channels to expand revenue opportunities, etc. Where consumers are learning how to use different media technologies to bring the flow of media more fully under their control and to interact with their consumers. 6.Professionals will have to do more than one job in the future, they will have to be able to have more than one skill set-- use of different social media networks, creating blogs, web design, etc. due to digital convergence.