Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1.Convergence happens in the communication and media fields because of consumer's participation. The two conditions were between "passive old media" and "interactive new media". 2.The three concepts are media convergence, participatory culture, and collective intelligence. 3.Other impacts divergence has is active participation. (wikipedia) 4.New media does displace old media, however, old media and new media will interact in even more different ways. 5. Both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption by media companies learning how to rapidly increase the flow of media content across delivery channels to expand revenue opportunities, etc. Where consumers are learning how to use different media technologies to bring the flow of media more fully under their control and to interact with their consumers. 6.Professionals will have to do more than one job in the future, they will have to be able to have more than one skill set-- use of different social media networks, creating blogs, web design, etc. due to digital convergence.

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