Tuesday, February 24, 2015

United States Bombing of ISIS in Iraq

Summary:In August 2014, the United States jet fighters and drones bombed Sunni Islamic extremists in Northern Iraq targeting what was described as ISIS warfare units. These airstrikes advanced the United States' involvement in Iraq where ISIS is seizing control of areas and key buildings that have caused over thousands of citizens to leave their homes and run for their lives. ISIS currently has possession of Mosul Dam along with 10,000 Iraq minorities known as the Yazidis who were trapped on a mountain and were executed. Previously, there has been a conflict of whether ISIS or the Kurdish Forces controlled the dam the Tigris River. (note:United States' officials stated that a failure of the dam would be traumatic, resulting in flooding all the way to Baghdad. ) President Obama authorized "targeted airstrikes" stating that the United States has an obligation to protect its hundreds of military personnel located in Iraq and to prevent what can turn into a genocide of minorities by the group ISIS.
 The Federal Aviation Administration issued a notice prohibiting United States from flying in Iraqi airspace due to the armed conflict. However, United States warplanes that were patrolling Northern Iraq have the "go" to attack any interpreted ISIS threats to the Kurdish capital or minority populations. Kurdish leaders pleaded with the United States to support their forces against ISIS from the air. President Obama has agreed to support the United States' allies. Prior to President Obama's announcement of the airstrike, the United States' military cargo planes dropped 5,300 gallons of water and 8,000 meals to the Yazidi's people. ISIS has executed individuals who don't share and won't convert to their interpretations of Sunni Islam.

  The group posted videos on the Internet for the world to see the beheadings. The Obama administrations sent funneling weapons to Iraqi forces. However in July 2014, ISIS posted on twitter saying "We haven't given orders to kill the Israelis and and the Jews. The war against the nearer enemy, those who rebel against the faith, is more important. Allah commands us in the Koran to fight the hypocrites, because they are much more dangerous than those who are fundamentally heretics".

Interpretation of Implications: It is clear to understand that the war with ISIS and the United States' involvement has caused an uproar with ISIS and has led up to more executions of not only the Yazidis but Christians,Turkmens and Shabaks. In addition, to seizing more areas in Iraq and Syria. As ISIS continues on their mission, there is a question to be raised of will anyone be able to stop ISIS? Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic.


  1. Im on the fence about this topic personally because of the fact that we're bombing innocent people in the process and putting certain allies in danger from our air strikes but I also feel it's a necessary act because of the fact that they are a threat to not just they're communities but the world as well.

  2. Personally, I do not keep up with current events or turn on the tv to find out about what is going on in the news. However, from reading this blog I believe it is important for everyone, not just Americans, to know what is going on in the world around us. We are advocates not only for our safety, but for those who doesn't deserve the harm and actions that are being brought upon them. President Obama and our military forces should continue in their efforts to protect the Yazidi people and other citizens in that area who could benefit from American protection.

  3. I personally feel that the U.S. has put itself “between a rock and a hard place”. This is because it seems like the more the U.S. tries to help and give aid, the more ISIS retaliates. This creates a never ending cycle that no one wants to continue. A real change in this situation has to happen sooner than later, but how, I honestly don’t know.
