Tuesday, February 24, 2015

United States Bombing of ISIS in Iraq

Summary:In August 2014, the United States jet fighters and drones bombed Sunni Islamic extremists in Northern Iraq targeting what was described as ISIS warfare units. These airstrikes advanced the United States' involvement in Iraq where ISIS is seizing control of areas and key buildings that have caused over thousands of citizens to leave their homes and run for their lives. ISIS currently has possession of Mosul Dam along with 10,000 Iraq minorities known as the Yazidis who were trapped on a mountain and were executed. Previously, there has been a conflict of whether ISIS or the Kurdish Forces controlled the dam the Tigris River. (note:United States' officials stated that a failure of the dam would be traumatic, resulting in flooding all the way to Baghdad. ) President Obama authorized "targeted airstrikes" stating that the United States has an obligation to protect its hundreds of military personnel located in Iraq and to prevent what can turn into a genocide of minorities by the group ISIS.
 The Federal Aviation Administration issued a notice prohibiting United States from flying in Iraqi airspace due to the armed conflict. However, United States warplanes that were patrolling Northern Iraq have the "go" to attack any interpreted ISIS threats to the Kurdish capital or minority populations. Kurdish leaders pleaded with the United States to support their forces against ISIS from the air. President Obama has agreed to support the United States' allies. Prior to President Obama's announcement of the airstrike, the United States' military cargo planes dropped 5,300 gallons of water and 8,000 meals to the Yazidi's people. ISIS has executed individuals who don't share and won't convert to their interpretations of Sunni Islam.

  The group posted videos on the Internet for the world to see the beheadings. The Obama administrations sent funneling weapons to Iraqi forces. However in July 2014, ISIS posted on twitter saying "We haven't given orders to kill the Israelis and and the Jews. The war against the nearer enemy, those who rebel against the faith, is more important. Allah commands us in the Koran to fight the hypocrites, because they are much more dangerous than those who are fundamentally heretics".

Interpretation of Implications: It is clear to understand that the war with ISIS and the United States' involvement has caused an uproar with ISIS and has led up to more executions of not only the Yazidis but Christians,Turkmens and Shabaks. In addition, to seizing more areas in Iraq and Syria. As ISIS continues on their mission, there is a question to be raised of will anyone be able to stop ISIS? Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Can Blogs Revolutionize Progressive Politics?

1. Democratic leaders embrace blogging as a potential political communication because blogs are faster, cheaper, and more interactive for voters to become involved than compared to the traditional media landscapes in media such as the television, radio, etc. 2.The participatory culture in blogging expands digital media convergence by allowing people to email, use discussion boards, internet donations, live e-chats, online voting, etc. Blogging allowed all different forms of media to be converged into one outlet for voters and for the candidates. 3. Blogging can counter this weakness by turning net roots into grassroots by using the Internet to coordinate political events into on-ground- events by notifying bloggers of these events by sending out invitations. From there the internet users will then convey the message to those that don't read blogs. 4.Blogs can become the new barrier for freedom, democracy,egalitarianism, and participation in the new media communication because it is shown that more women use blogging then men. If there are more women blogging than men, they will eventually have a greater outreach to audiences on political views. The new media communication with being allowed to donate and vote online, many will not use their rights to vote due to the fact there are going to be a lot of voters online.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Digital McLuhan

1. The differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the alphabetical visual world is pre-literature is a world of no boundaries where information emerges from not particular sets of locations but can come from everywhere. The pre-literate acoustic world consists of music, myth, and total immersion. The alphabetical visual world comes in a form of mostly television, and lacks perspective or the distance from its subjects. It consist of visual and hearing. 2. The alphabet has the segregating tendencies because the texts were only able to be read by one person at a time and were only be able to be copied by someone copying them down page by page. This caused for the texts to be limited. However, the printing press reversed the segregating tendencies by this machine being able to copy more than one copy of texts at a time. It also allowed for more than one person to be able to read the alphabetic texts at once. It allowed for high-circulation of newspapers and books. 3. The alphabetic communication in online communication make cyberspace acoustic due to the fact of the easy instant interactivity communication being synchronize from anywhere in the world. However, the online acoustic world is different from television, radio, or print acoustic world because one does not have to be sitting still to receive much of the media form's communication (e.g. listen to the radio while going to the kitchen for food, in television- doze off in front of the television program). 4. The two selections criteria are humans want media to extend our communications beyond biological boundaries such as the naked eye seeing and hearing. Also, humans want home of natural communication even we as humans exceed it in our extensions. In the next 20 years, the secured alphabet's place will be the conductor of the acoustic cyberspace.